Mielenkiintoisia tiedeartikkeleita

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Re: Mielenkiintoisia tiedeartikkeleita

Post by surly »

http://whatislife.stanford.edu/Homepage ... s-Life.pdf
Schrödingerin teksti vuodelta 1944, näin selvää tekstiä nykyfyysikoilta harvemmin löytyy.
What is this 'I'? If you analyse it
closely you will, I think, find that it is just the
facts little more than a collection of single data
(experiences and memories), namely the canvas
upon which they are collected. And you will, on
close introspection, find that what you really
mean by 'I' is that ground-stuff upon which they
are collected. You may come to a distant
country, lose sight of all your friends, may all
but forget them; you acquire new friends, you
share life with them as intensely as you ever did
with your old ones. Less and less important will
become the fact that, while living your new life,
you still recollect the old one. “The youth that
was I', you may come to speak of him in the third
person, indeed the protagonist of the novel you
are reading is probably nearer to your heart,
certainly more intensely alive and better known
to you. Yet there has been no intermediate break,
no death. And even if a skilled hypnotist
succeeded in blotting out entirely all your earlier
reminiscences, you would not find that he had
killed you. In no case is there a loss of personal
existence to deplore. Nor will there ever be.
Times are tough, huh, bud?
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Re: Mielenkiintoisia tiedeartikkeleita

Post by Persoona »

Warwick tutkii inhimillisen ja keinotekoisen älyn liittoa ja millä tavalla koneen ja ihmisen yhteensulautuminen voisi kehittää ihmistä. Perinteisesti tekoälyllä on pyritty imitoimaan ihmisen älyä.

Tää on vanha juttu.
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Re: Mielenkiintoisia tiedeartikkeleita

Post by CharlieBigPpotato3 »

Dual dopamine/serotonin releasers as potential medications for stimulant and alcohol addictions.
Rothman RB, Blough BE, Baumann MH.
AAPS J. 2007 Jan 5;9(1):E1-10.

We have advocated the idea of agonist therapy for treating cocaine addiction. This strategy involves administration of stimulant-like medications (eg, monoamine releasers) to alleviate withdrawal symptoms and prevent relapse. A major limitation of this approach is that many candidate medicines possess significant abuse potential because of activation of mesolimbic dopamine (DA) neurons in central nervous system reward circuits. Previous data suggest that serotonin (5-HT) neurons can provide an inhibitory influence over mesolimbic DA neurons. Thus, it might be predicted that the balance between DA and 5-HT transmission is important to consider when developing medications with reduced stimulant side effects. In this article, we discuss several issues related to the development of dual DA/5-HT releasers for the treatment of substance use disorders. First, we discuss evidence supporting the existence of a dual deficit in DA and 5-HT function during withdrawal from chronic cocaine or alcohol abuse. Then we summarize studies that have tested the hypothesis that 5-HT neurons can dampen the effects mediated by mesolimbic DA. For example, it has been shown that pharmacological manipulations that increase extracellular 5-HT attenuate stimulant effects produced by DA release, such as locomotor stimulation and self-administration behavior. Finally, we discuss our recently published data about PAL-287 (naphthylisopropylamine), a novel non-amphetamine DA-/5-HT-releasing agent that suppresses cocaine self-administration but lacks positive reinforcing properties. It is concluded that DA/5-HT releasers might be useful therapeutic adjuncts for the treatment of cocaine and alcohol addiction, obesity, and even attention deficit disorder and depression.

PMID: 17408232

Free article: http://www.aapsj.org/view.asp?art=aapsj0901001

See also related articles for more studies on subject:
The formal language is a nazi! To break through language in order to touch life. Myself resuscitates to the disillusionment of birth. I like buddha, I like sexy ass. Haunter unseen, take thy life back to the core!
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Re: Mielenkiintoisia tiedeartikkeleita

Post by Olento »

Immortality only 20 years away says scientist
Scientist Ray Kurzweil claims humans could become immortal in as little as 20 years' time through nanotechnology and an increased understanding of how the body works.
    The 61-year-old American, who has predicted new technologies arriving before, says our understanding of genes and computer technology is accelerating at an incredible rate.

    He says theoretically, at the rate our understanding is increasing, nanotechnologies capable of replacing many of our vital organs could be available in 20 years time.

    Mr Kurzweil adds that although his claims may seem far-fetched, artificial pancreases and neural implants are already available.

    Mr Kurzweil calls his theory the Law of Accelerating Returns. Writing in The Sun, Mr Kurzweil said: "I and many other scientists now believe that in around 20 years we will have the means to reprogramme our bodies' stone-age software so we can halt, then reverse, ageing. Then nanotechnology will let us live for ever.

    "Ultimately, nanobots will replace blood cells and do their work thousands of times more effectively.

    "Within 25 years we will be able to do an Olympic sprint for 15 minutes without taking a breath, or go scuba-diving for four hours without oxygen.

    "Heart-attack victims – who haven't taken advantage of widely available bionic hearts – will calmly drive to the doctors for a minor operation as their blood bots keep them alive.

    "Nanotechnology will extend our mental capacities to such an extent we will be able to write books within minutes.

    "If we want to go into virtual-reality mode, nanobots will shut down brain signals and take us wherever we want to go. Virtual sex will become commonplace. And in our daily lives, hologram like figures will pop in our brain to explain what is happening.

    "So we can look forward to a world where humans become cyborgs, with artificial limbs and organs."
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    Re: Mielenkiintoisia tiedeartikkeleita

    Post by CharlieBigPpotato3 »

    Intense Sweetness Surpasses Cocaine Reward


    Refined sugars (e.g., sucrose, fructose) were absent in the diet of most people until very recently in human history. Today overconsumption of diets rich in sugars contributes together with other factors to drive the current obesity epidemic. Overconsumption of sugar-dense foods or beverages is initially motivated by the pleasure of sweet taste and is often compared to drug addiction. Though there are many biological commonalities between sweetened diets and drugs of abuse, the addictive potential of the former relative to the latter is currently unknown.

    Methodology/Principal findings

    Here we report that when rats were allowed to choose mutually-exclusively between water sweetened with saccharin–an intense calorie-free sweetener–and intravenous cocaine–a highly addictive and harmful substance–the large majority of animals (94%) preferred the sweet taste of saccharin. The preference for saccharin was not attributable to its unnatural ability to induce sweetness without calories because the same preference was also observed with sucrose, a natural sugar. Finally, the preference for saccharin was not surmountable by increasing doses of cocaine and was observed despite either cocaine intoxication, sensitization or intake escalation–the latter being a hallmark of drug addiction.


    Our findings clearly demonstrate that intense sweetness can surpass cocaine reward, even in drug-sensitized and -addicted individuals. We speculate that the addictive potential of intense sweetness results from an inborn hypersensitivity to sweet tastants. In most mammals, including rats and humans, sweet receptors evolved in ancestral environments poor in sugars and are thus not adapted to high concentrations of sweet tastants. The supranormal stimulation of these receptors by sugar-rich diets, such as those now widely available in modern societies, would generate a supranormal reward signal in the brain, with the potential to override self-control mechanisms and thus to lead to addiction.

    Citation: Lenoir M, Serre F, Cantin L, Ahmed SH (2007) Intense Sweetness Surpasses Cocaine Reward. PLoS ONE 2(8): e698. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0000698

    http://www.plosone.org/article/fetchArt ... ne.0000698
    The formal language is a nazi! To break through language in order to touch life. Myself resuscitates to the disillusionment of birth. I like buddha, I like sexy ass. Haunter unseen, take thy life back to the core!
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    Re: Mielenkiintoisia tiedeartikkeleita

    Post by surly »

    Ei ole artikkeli mutta katsomisen arvoinen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mthDxnFXs9k
    Times are tough, huh, bud?
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    Re: Mielenkiintoisia tiedeartikkeleita

    Post by RoboPoski »

    Onko tällainen asia monelle jo tuttu?

    http://kannabisuutiset.wordpress.com/20 ... abiksella/
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    Re: Mielenkiintoisia tiedeartikkeleita

    Post by Bateman »

    http://www.tiede.fi/uutiset/3910/soluun ... nen_genomi

    Yksinään saavutus ei niin ihmeelliseltä kuulosta, mutta merkittävä virstanpylväs kuitenkin..
    you see them on the freeway, it don't look like a lot of fun
    but don't you try to fight it; "an idea who's time has come"
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    Re: Mielenkiintoisia tiedeartikkeleita

    Post by sxoxyvg »

    Bateman wrote:http://www.tiede.fi/uutiset/3910/soluun ... nen_genomi

    Yksinään saavutus ei niin ihmeelliseltä kuulosta, mutta merkittävä virstanpylväs kuitenkin..
    Kyllä toi vaan meikän päähän ihmeelliselt kuulostaa!
    negatiivisesti sekaisin

    <Dexma> Okei okei.
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    Re: Mielenkiintoisia tiedeartikkeleita

    Post by tRip »



    The World as Wittgenstein Found It
    The Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus as a Model of Autistic Cognition

    Autistics think differently than non-autistics—dramatically so. Autistics do not form their fundamental cognitive framework around innate recognition of their human surroundings, as non-autistics generally do, but instead develop a cognition informed primarily by the patterns and structure to be found in the broader environment. This form of cognition presents daunting challenges: autistics experience developmental delays relative to their neurotypical peers, and autistics mostly struggle with lifelong difficulties managing the social aspects of human behavior and culture. But autistic cognition offers a significant compensation. With thought processes less grooved by remnant channels of age-old species need, autistics gain potential to grasp the world in a unique manner.

    Some autistics can see features of their environment previously hidden to others, many can examine underlying laws and structure with a laser-like focus, and a few manage to cast their surroundings into entirely new and creative paradigms. Social scientists and biographers have begun to note that many of history’s most innovative individuals—Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Newton, Beethoven, Yeats, Einstein and Turing, to name just a few—could be described as exhibiting autistic-like characteristics and behaviors, traits that may have played a critical role in their immense contributions. Not all autistics are able to conquer the challenges of their condition well enough to receive in good measure its compensatory benefits, but for those who can, their built-in proclivity to lateral thinking serves the human population well. The influence of autistic cognitive traits has been a major catalyst in man’s dramatic leap from savannah-bound primate to questing knight of a massive universe.

    In attempting to bring the features of autistic cognition into sharper focus, I can think of three different approaches to take. The first approach would be to turn to first-person accounts from autistics themselves. The autistic autobiographical literature has expanded greatly in recent years, with informative self-descriptions put forth by writers such as Temple Grandin and Donna Williams. These accounts serve as enlightening introductions to the autistic experience from within. The major drawback to relying upon first-person accounts is they come almost exclusively from functioning autistics—that is, those who have come to understand elements of neurotypical cognition well enough to incorporate such elements into their own thinking and lives, using these as the means to help bridge the gap to non-autistic acquaintances and audiences. Such incorporation of neurotypical thinking is crucial for allowing an autistic individual to gain meaningful traction in the human world, but it also leaves the functioning autistic less capable of rendering autistic cognition in its purest form. Pure autistic cognition would in theory be more accurately described by a person with a more classic version of the condition, but alas, the characteristics of classic autism are such that the individual often faces a tremendous challenge conveying that experience to the rest of us.

    The second approach to depicting autistic cognition would be to propose an unusual thought experiment. Imagine the entire world as a form of cognition, the broad surroundings—animate and inanimate elements both—as a living, developing thought process, then condense this representation down to the workings of one mind. This no doubt seems a strange notion, but in many ways it is this very strangeness that is the major advantage to the technique, for its unusual nature provides a sense of how vastly different is the quality of the autistic cognitive process from what we typically take for human thought. Autistics are the closest thing we have to true tabula rasas. Their early sensory experiences, less grounded by human-specific influences, are guided in large degree by the pattern and structure that stands out from the surrounding environment. These characteristics are evident in the rapt attention given by autistics to symmetries, repetition and literalness, and it might be as meaningful to say the world cognates through the autistic as it would be to say the autistic thinks about his world. The trouble with taking the world as a form of cognition is that the model is too overwhelming—no one mind, autistic or not, can reflect upon the entire surroundings, but instead absorb only limited portions of it. The world’s immensity leaves inadequate foothold to condense the representation down to a detailed and applicable form.

    What is needed finally is a technique that incorporates elements of both autistic autobiography and the world as a form of cognition, while at the same time avoiding the shortcomings of the above-mentioned approaches. What is needed is a model that can crystallize the essence of autistic cognition, in a relatively pure form, abstracting the complexities down to a framework recognizable within the confines of human language. This task at first glance would appear to be an overwhelming challenge, so it is with no small sense of awe and admiration I offer the suggestion the job has already been accomplished, accomplished with such literary bravura the result could pass as the twentieth century’s most ambitious poem. The autistic cognitive model par excellence is Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.

    Oxytocin Increases Retention Of Social Cognition In Autism

    Background: Oxytocin dysfunction might contribute to the development of social deficits in autism, a core symptom domain and
    potential target for intervention. This study explored the effect of intravenous oxytocin administration on the retention of social
    information in autism.
    Methods: Oxytocin and placebo challenges were administered to 15 adult subjects diagnosed with autism or Asperger’s disorder, and
    comprehension of affective speech (happy, indifferent, angry, and sad) in neutral content sentences was tested.
    Results: All subjects showed improvements in affective speech comprehension from pre- to post-infusion; however, whereas those who
    received placebo first tended to revert to baseline after a delay, those who received oxytocin first retained the ability to accurately assign
    emotional significance to speech intonation on the speech comprehension task.
    Conclusions: These results are consistent with studies linking oxytocin to social recognition in rodents as well as studies linking
    oxytocin to prosocial behavior in humans and suggest that oxytocin might facilitate social information processing in those with autism.
    These findings also provide preliminary support for the use of oxytocin in the treatment of autism.
    http://www.webmd.com/brain/autism/news/20100212/oxcytocin-hormone-may-treat-autism wrote:
    Oxytocin, the so-called hormone of love, may help promote social skills and social behavior in people with high-functioning autism.

    A new study shows people with high-functioning autism disorders, such as Asperger's syndrome, who were treated with oxytocin responded more strongly to others and displayed more appropriate social behaviors.

    Despite high intellectual abilities, people with high-functioning autism lack the social skills to engage appropriately with others in social situations.

    Oxytocin is nicknamed the hormone of love because it is known to promote mother-infant bonds. It is also thought to be involved in the regulation of emotions and other social behaviors. Other research has found that children with autism have lower levels of oxytocin than children without autism.
    Aspergerin oireyhtymä aikuisiässä - Duodecim
    Keep it unreal.

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    Re: Mielenkiintoisia tiedeartikkeleita

    Post by tRip »



    The World as Wittgenstein Found It
    The Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus as a Model of Autistic Cognition

    Autistics think differently than non-autistics—dramatically so. Autistics do not form their fundamental cognitive framework around innate recognition of their human surroundings, as non-autistics generally do, but instead develop a cognition informed primarily by the patterns and structure to be found in the broader environment. This form of cognition presents daunting challenges: autistics experience developmental delays relative to their neurotypical peers, and autistics mostly struggle with lifelong difficulties managing the social aspects of human behavior and culture. But autistic cognition offers a significant compensation. With thought processes less grooved by remnant channels of age-old species need, autistics gain potential to grasp the world in a unique manner.

    Some autistics can see features of their environment previously hidden to others, many can examine underlying laws and structure with a laser-like focus, and a few manage to cast their surroundings into entirely new and creative paradigms. Social scientists and biographers have begun to note that many of history’s most innovative individuals—Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Newton, Beethoven, Yeats, Einstein and Turing, to name just a few—could be described as exhibiting autistic-like characteristics and behaviors, traits that may have played a critical role in their immense contributions. Not all autistics are able to conquer the challenges of their condition well enough to receive in good measure its compensatory benefits, but for those who can, their built-in proclivity to lateral thinking serves the human population well. The influence of autistic cognitive traits has been a major catalyst in man’s dramatic leap from savannah-bound primate to questing knight of a massive universe.

    In attempting to bring the features of autistic cognition into sharper focus, I can think of three different approaches to take. The first approach would be to turn to first-person accounts from autistics themselves. The autistic autobiographical literature has expanded greatly in recent years, with informative self-descriptions put forth by writers such as Temple Grandin and Donna Williams. These accounts serve as enlightening introductions to the autistic experience from within. The major drawback to relying upon first-person accounts is they come almost exclusively from functioning autistics—that is, those who have come to understand elements of neurotypical cognition well enough to incorporate such elements into their own thinking and lives, using these as the means to help bridge the gap to non-autistic acquaintances and audiences. Such incorporation of neurotypical thinking is crucial for allowing an autistic individual to gain meaningful traction in the human world, but it also leaves the functioning autistic less capable of rendering autistic cognition in its purest form. Pure autistic cognition would in theory be more accurately described by a person with a more classic version of the condition, but alas, the characteristics of classic autism are such that the individual often faces a tremendous challenge conveying that experience to the rest of us.

    The second approach to depicting autistic cognition would be to propose an unusual thought experiment. Imagine the entire world as a form of cognition, the broad surroundings—animate and inanimate elements both—as a living, developing thought process, then condense this representation down to the workings of one mind. This no doubt seems a strange notion, but in many ways it is this very strangeness that is the major advantage to the technique, for its unusual nature provides a sense of how vastly different is the quality of the autistic cognitive process from what we typically take for human thought. Autistics are the closest thing we have to true tabula rasas. Their early sensory experiences, less grounded by human-specific influences, are guided in large degree by the pattern and structure that stands out from the surrounding environment. These characteristics are evident in the rapt attention given by autistics to symmetries, repetition and literalness, and it might be as meaningful to say the world cognates through the autistic as it would be to say the autistic thinks about his world. The trouble with taking the world as a form of cognition is that the model is too overwhelming—no one mind, autistic or not, can reflect upon the entire surroundings, but instead absorb only limited portions of it. The world’s immensity leaves inadequate foothold to condense the representation down to a detailed and applicable form.

    What is needed finally is a technique that incorporates elements of both autistic autobiography and the world as a form of cognition, while at the same time avoiding the shortcomings of the above-mentioned approaches. What is needed is a model that can crystallize the essence of autistic cognition, in a relatively pure form, abstracting the complexities down to a framework recognizable within the confines of human language. This task at first glance would appear to be an overwhelming challenge, so it is with no small sense of awe and admiration I offer the suggestion the job has already been accomplished, accomplished with such literary bravura the result could pass as the twentieth century’s most ambitious poem. The autistic cognitive model par excellence is Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.
    Oxytocin Increases Retention Of Social Cognition In Autism

    Background: Oxytocin dysfunction might contribute to the development of social deficits in autism, a core symptom domain and
    potential target for intervention. This study explored the effect of intravenous oxytocin administration on the retention of social
    information in autism.
    Methods: Oxytocin and placebo challenges were administered to 15 adult subjects diagnosed with autism or Asperger’s disorder, and
    comprehension of affective speech (happy, indifferent, angry, and sad) in neutral content sentences was tested.
    Results: All subjects showed improvements in affective speech comprehension from pre- to post-infusion; however, whereas those who
    received placebo first tended to revert to baseline after a delay, those who received oxytocin first retained the ability to accurately assign
    emotional significance to speech intonation on the speech comprehension task.
    Conclusions: These results are consistent with studies linking oxytocin to social recognition in rodents as well as studies linking
    oxytocin to prosocial behavior in humans and suggest that oxytocin might facilitate social information processing in those with autism.
    These findings also provide preliminary support for the use of oxytocin in the treatment of autism.
    http://www.webmd.com/brain/autism/news/20100212/oxcytocin-hormone-may-treat-autism wrote:
    Oxytocin, the so-called hormone of love, may help promote social skills and social behavior in people with high-functioning autism.

    A new study shows people with high-functioning autism disorders, such as Asperger's syndrome, who were treated with oxytocin responded more strongly to others and displayed more appropriate social behaviors.

    Despite high intellectual abilities, people with high-functioning autism lack the social skills to engage appropriately with others in social situations.

    Oxytocin is nicknamed the hormone of love because it is known to promote mother-infant bonds. It is also thought to be involved in the regulation of emotions and other social behaviors. Other research has found that children with autism have lower levels of oxytocin than children without autism.
    MDMA ja Oksitosiini

    Aspergerin oireyhtymä aikuisiässä - Duodecim

    "AS-potilaan käyttäytyminen voi vaikuttaa itsekeskeiseltä, joskin kyseessä on enemmänkin tietynlainen ymmärryksen puute kuin psykologisten puolustusmekanismien seuraus."
    Keep it unreal.

    Vaultti.net - coming soon..
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    Re: Mielenkiintoisia tiedeartikkeleita

    Post by Bateman »

    Ei nyt oikeastaan mikään yksittäinen artikkeli kyseessä, mutta kiinnostava (ja spekulatiivinen) saitti mahdollisista tulevaisuusskenaarioista eripituisilla aikajänteillä:

    http://www.futuretimeline.net/ :!


    Internet use reaches 5 billion worldwide

    The number of Internet users has now reached almost 5 billion - equal to the entire world's population circa 1987. This compares with 1.7 billion users in 2010 and only 360 million in 2000.

    Niin, ja tämäkin on muuten aika mielenkiintoinen:

    http://www.avaruus.fi/uutiset/tahtiharr ... aasta.html

    you see them on the freeway, it don't look like a lot of fun
    but don't you try to fight it; "an idea who's time has come"
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    Re: Mielenkiintoisia tiedeartikkeleita

    Post by Hz0 »

    http://www.mtv3.fi/uutiset/kotimaa.shtm ... maailmassa
    Suuri osa väitöstutkimuksista tehdään kirjastoissa tai laboratorioissa.

    VTM Jussi Perälän väitöstutkimus on hieman toista maata. Se syväluotaa maailmaa, jota enemmistö suomalaisista kavahtaa.

    Kyse on Helsingin huumemarkkinoista 2000-luvulla, alamaailmasta, missä kaiken motivaation lähde on riippuvuus.

    Tutkimusta varten Perälä haastatteli lukuisia kovien huumeiden ongelmakäyttäjiä ja keskiportaan diilereitä siellä missä he elämäänsä elävät. Töitä Perälä teki erilaisissa huumeluukuissa, pubeissa ja kadulla. Oman näkökulmansa tutkimukseen antaa myös poliisi.

    - Tapasin tutkimusta varten viitisenkymmentä henkilöä. Osa näistä henkilöistä käytti suonensisäisesti eritoten Subutexia ja myös kävi aineella kauppaa. Osalla haastatelluista oli hieman ammattimaisempi suhtautuminen huumekauppaan, he pyrkivät hallitsemaan omaa aineiden käyttöään pidättäytymällä suonensisäisestä käytöstä, Perälä kertoo.
    Ehdottomasti lukemisen arvoinen väitöstyö, johon on suora linkki tässä:

    http://www.thl.fi/thl-client/pdfs/6b8ba ... d64bd4ca80
    <@ferox> mä en pysty kuvittelemaan toista kanavaa, jonka puheenaiheet vaihtelee kvanttifysiikasta s-marketin ryöstämiseen

    Re: Mielenkiintoisia tiedeartikkeleita

    Post by CaptainZ »

    naponen wrote:^ Todella mielenkiintoinen tämä :) Suosittelen kyllä lukemaan jos aihe kiinnostaa.
    Pakko sanoa että on muuten surkein tutkimusteksti mitä oon nähny :mrgreen:

    Teksti on epämääräinen sekoitus slangia ja kirjakieltä, riippumatta siitä onko teksti suora sitaatti vai tutkijan omaa läppää. Väitetään että maltodekstriini "sisältää proteiinia ja sillä on piristävä vaikutus" (googlaamalla selviää heti, että se on urheilukaupoissa myytävä valmiste, jota urheilijat käyttävät hiilihydraattien lähteenä). Jumitutaan jauhamaan epäolennaisuuksista, kuten että millä kulkupelillä hörhöt menevät baariin. Jos ei oo rahaa, saatetaan jopa kävellä!

    Mutta aihe on todellakin kiinnostava!
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    Re: Mielenkiintoisia tiedeartikkeleita

    Post by Infitialis »

    CaptainZ wrote:
    naponen wrote:^ Todella mielenkiintoinen tämä :) Suosittelen kyllä lukemaan jos aihe kiinnostaa.
    Pakko sanoa että on muuten surkein tutkimusteksti mitä oon nähny :mrgreen:

    Teksti on epämääräinen sekoitus slangia ja kirjakieltä, riippumatta siitä onko teksti suora sitaatti vai tutkijan omaa läppää. Väitetään että maltodekstriini "sisältää proteiinia ja sillä on piristävä vaikutus" (googlaamalla selviää heti, että se on urheilukaupoissa myytävä valmiste, jota urheilijat käyttävät hiilihydraattien lähteenä). Jumitutaan jauhamaan epäolennaisuuksista, kuten että millä kulkupelillä hörhöt menevät baariin. Jos ei oo rahaa, saatetaan jopa kävellä!

    Mutta aihe on todellakin kiinnostava!
    Mun silmään osu kans sellaset epäkohdat että subutexiä ei ainakaan mun tietääkseni niellä missään olosuhteissa (prove me wrong) ja hasiksen laatu ei todellakaan määräydy sen mukaan mitä kovempaa se on.
    Parhaat karstat on pohjalla.

    Re: Mielenkiintoisia tiedeartikkeleita

    Post by CaptainZ »

    Infitialis wrote: Mun silmään osu kans sellaset epäkohdat että subutexiä ei ainakaan mun tietääkseni niellä missään olosuhteissa (prove me wrong)
    Tabletteinahan sitä myydään, eli vois kuvitella että se on nieltäväksi alun perin tarkoitettu. Se on sit eri juttu, käyttääkö niitä nistipiireissä kukaan oikeesti nielemällä. Luulis jonkun joskus kokeilleen.
    Posts: 360
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    Re: Mielenkiintoisia tiedeartikkeleita

    Post by Infitialis »

    CaptainZ wrote:
    Infitialis wrote: Mun silmään osu kans sellaset epäkohdat että subutexiä ei ainakaan mun tietääkseni niellä missään olosuhteissa (prove me wrong)
    Tabletteinahan sitä myydään, eli vois kuvitella että se on nieltäväksi alun perin tarkoitettu. Se on sit eri juttu, käyttääkö niitä nistipiireissä kukaan oikeesti nielemällä. Luulis jonkun joskus kokeilleen.
    Mun ymmärtääkseni subutexin 'oikea' käyttätapa on sama kuin muissakin bupretableteissa eli kielen alla liuottaminen.


    Subutexia ei enää pharmaca fennicasta löydy mutta näin se toteaa subuxonesta:
    Pharmaca fennica 2011 wrote: Lääkärin tulee varoittaa potilaita, että tämä lääke on tehokas ja turvallinen ainoastaan kielen alle annosteltuna (ks. kohta Varoitukset ja käyttöön liittyvät varotoimet). Suboxone resoribletti pannaan kielen alle, josta se liukenee yleensä noin 5-10 minuutissa. Annos koostuu Suboxone 2 mg/0,5 mg:n ja Suboxone 8 mg/2 mg:n vahvuisista resoribleteista, jotka voidaan ottaa samaan aikaan tai jaettuna kahteen osa-annokseen siten, että toinen annos otetaan heti kun ensimmäinen on liuennut.
    Parhaat karstat on pohjalla.

    Re: Mielenkiintoisia tiedeartikkeleita

    Post by CaptainZ »

    Infitialis wrote:
    CaptainZ wrote:
    Tabletteinahan sitä myydään, eli vois kuvitella että se on nieltäväksi alun perin tarkoitettu. Se on sit eri juttu, käyttääkö niitä nistipiireissä kukaan oikeesti nielemällä. Luulis jonkun joskus kokeilleen.
    Mun ymmärtääkseni subutexin 'oikea' käyttätapa on sama kuin muissakin bupretableteissa eli kielen alla liuottaminen.
    Niinpä tietenkin. Yritin edellistä viestiä kirjoittaessani miettiä, että millä tavoin tabletteja voi nauttia. Mulle ei tyhmyyspäissäni tullut mieleen mitään muuta kuin se nieleminen :P

    Kyllähän monikin aine toimii suun limakalvoilta paremmin kuin vatsan ja maksan kautta kierrätettynä. Ihan hyvä tapa silloin, kun lääkkeen maku ei muodostu ylivoimaiseksi esteeksi.
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    Re: Mielenkiintoisia tiedeartikkeleita

    Post by Bateman »

    Tämä on mielenkiintoinen lista teknologisen kehityksen kärjestä:

    List of emerging technologies

    Tämä on kanssa ihan mielenkiintoista spekulaatiota:

    Timeline of the future in forecasts
    you see them on the freeway, it don't look like a lot of fun
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    Re: Mielenkiintoisia tiedeartikkeleita

    Post by Kirwa »

    Toivottavasti kukaa ei oo tätä vielä postannu.

    Mutta tässä erittäin mielenkiintoinen dokumentti siitä mihin kaikkeen mieli pystyy; http://areena.yle.fi/video/1315511829091.

    Huhhu, taidan itekki alottaa meditoinnin.
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    Re: Mielenkiintoisia tiedeartikkeleita

    Post by testeri420 »

    Hz0 wrote:http://www.mtv3.fi/uutiset/kotimaa.shtm ... maailmassa
    Suuri osa väitöstutkimuksista tehdään kirjastoissa tai laboratorioissa.

    VTM Jussi Perälän väitöstutkimus on hieman toista maata. Se syväluotaa maailmaa, jota enemmistö suomalaisista kavahtaa.

    Kyse on Helsingin huumemarkkinoista 2000-luvulla, alamaailmasta, missä kaiken motivaation lähde on riippuvuus.

    Tutkimusta varten Perälä haastatteli lukuisia kovien huumeiden ongelmakäyttäjiä ja keskiportaan diilereitä siellä missä he elämäänsä elävät. Töitä Perälä teki erilaisissa huumeluukuissa, pubeissa ja kadulla. Oman näkökulmansa tutkimukseen antaa myös poliisi.

    - Tapasin tutkimusta varten viitisenkymmentä henkilöä. Osa näistä henkilöistä käytti suonensisäisesti eritoten Subutexia ja myös kävi aineella kauppaa. Osalla haastatelluista oli hieman ammattimaisempi suhtautuminen huumekauppaan, he pyrkivät hallitsemaan omaa aineiden käyttöään pidättäytymällä suonensisäisestä käytöstä, Perälä kertoo.
    Ehdottomasti lukemisen arvoinen väitöstyö, johon on suora linkki tässä:

    http://www.thl.fi/thl-client/pdfs/6b8ba ... d64bd4ca80
    Oon lukenu tän kirjan hyvinkään kirjastossa viime kesänä. Jos tää nyt oli sama. Nimiä kun en muista.
    Erittäin hyvää työtä. Oli niin hyvin tehty ja asiallisesti että kiinnosti lukee se kirja kirjastossa edes lainaamatta sitä.
    En kadu mitään mitä olen tehnyt. Kadun vain sitä mitä en ole vielä kerennyt tekemään.
    onlydeadfishgo with the flow..
    "The water bong is so smooth that you dont realize how high youre getting, until its too late..." -Bubbles
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    Re: Mielenkiintoisia tiedeartikkeleita

    Post by testeri420 »

    http://historianet.fi/arkielama/kulttuu ... 000-vuotta

    Mielenkiintoista ja samalla ironisen naurettavaa.

    http://tieku.fi/aivot/huumausaineet-nar ... littavissa

    Tämä oli jo mielenkiintoista kanssa.
    En kadu mitään mitä olen tehnyt. Kadun vain sitä mitä en ole vielä kerennyt tekemään.
    onlydeadfishgo with the flow..
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    Re: Mielenkiintoisia tiedeartikkeleita

    Post by anomaali »

    testeri420 wrote: http://tieku.fi/aivot/huumausaineet-nar ... littavissa

    Tämä oli jo mielenkiintoista kanssa.
    Ois kiva lukea tosta tutkimuksesta vähän asiallisemmasta lähteestä. Että millaset noi häkit oikeastaan olivat. Kuulostaa siltä että sen sijaan että yritettäis muuttaa sitä huumeiden käyttöön johtavaa ikävää ympäristöä niin turrutetaan vaan aivot että ei oo niin väliä vaikka oliskin paskaa. Ja eiks toi siis oo vaan korvaushoitoa jos joudutaan korvaamaan riippuvuus toisella aineella?

    Kandee tutustua Rottapuistoon http://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rottapuisto
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    Re: Mielenkiintoisia tiedeartikkeleita

    Post by testeri420 »

    anomaali wrote:
    testeri420 wrote: http://tieku.fi/aivot/huumausaineet-nar ... littavissa

    Tämä oli jo mielenkiintoista kanssa.
    Ois kiva lukea tosta tutkimuksesta vähän asiallisemmasta lähteestä. Että millaset noi häkit oikeastaan olivat. Kuulostaa siltä että sen sijaan että yritettäis muuttaa sitä huumeiden käyttöön johtavaa ikävää ympäristöä niin turrutetaan vaan aivot että ei oo niin väliä vaikka oliskin paskaa. Ja eiks toi siis oo vaan korvaushoitoa jos joudutaan korvaamaan riippuvuus toisella aineella?

    Kandee tutustua Rottapuistoon http://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rottapuisto
    "Kuulostaa siltä että sen sijaan että yritettäis muuttaa sitä huumeiden käyttöön johtavaa ikävää ympäristöä niin turrutetaan vaan aivot että ei oo niin väliä vaikka oliskin paskaa. "
    Nii, henkilökohtasesti oon sitä mieltä että on se hyvä että jotain kiinnostaa tää yhteiskunnallinen ongelma. Että ei suljeta niitä ongelma narkkeja laitoksiin, vaan halutaan oikeesti auttaa.
    Sanoin yhteiskunnallinen ongelma koska huumeriippuvainen ihminen tavalla tai toisella "sotkee" ns. "normaalia" yhteiskuntaa.
    En kadu mitään mitä olen tehnyt. Kadun vain sitä mitä en ole vielä kerennyt tekemään.
    onlydeadfishgo with the flow..
    "The water bong is so smooth that you dont realize how high youre getting, until its too late..." -Bubbles
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    Re: Mielenkiintoisia tiedeartikkeleita

    Post by Happohuppu »

    Syö sieniä, älä Prozacia (tai siis meillä Seronilia) :!

    The Economist se jatkaa suoraselkäistä linjaansa. Jos joku ei sitä tiennyt, niin Economist on jo pitkään kannattanut huumeiden laillistamista.

    http://www.economist.com/blogs/theworld ... fsrc=gn_ep
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    Re: Mielenkiintoisia tiedeartikkeleita

    Post by IommiSG »

    Väsyttääkö? Nuuhkaisu aivohormonia voisi korvata yöunet

    http://www.tekniikkatalous.fi/kemia/vas ... et/a760337
    "We came to L.A. to record, and we stayed at a house in Bel Air. At the end of the day, it was all dope, booze, drugs, fucking chicks. Oh, dear, we had some fun in that house."
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    Re: Mielenkiintoisia tiedeartikkeleita

    Post by Neste »

    Vastalöydetty hormoni pitää mielen virkeänä ilman yöunia, kertoo Wired-lehti.
    Artikkeli on vuodelta 2007 :D
    If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite -William Blake
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    Re: Mielenkiintoisia tiedeartikkeleita

    Post by Touchet »

    Neste wrote:
    Vastalöydetty hormoni pitää mielen virkeänä ilman yöunia, kertoo Wired-lehti.
    Artikkeli on vuodelta 2007 :D
    Ja oreksiineja on tutkittu 90-luvun lopulta lähtien...
    "Jos ihmismieli on ihmeellisin asia mitä maa päällään kantaa, pyrkimys tutkia narkoottisten ja stimuloivien aineiden psykofysiologisen vaikutuksen syvyyksiä saa tämän ihmeen vaikuttamaan vieläkin suuremmalta."
    — Professori Louis Lewin, 1924
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    Re: Mielenkiintoisia tiedeartikkeleita

    Post by Touchet »

    (kappa) κ-opioidireseptorin rakenne on onnistuttu selvittämään. Tämä tarkoittaa sitä, että tutkijoiden on entistä helpompi suunnitella uusia lääkeaineita, jotka aiheuttavat kyseisessä reseptorissa maksimaalisen vasteen.

    Tällä hetkellä voimakkain tunnettu kyseisen reseptorin agonisti on Salvia divinorumin aktiivinen ainesosa salvinoriini A. Lääkinnällisesti käytettävät κ-opioidiagonistit tiedetään vaikutuksiltaan dysforisiksi. Ilmeisesti osa buprenorfiinin positiivisista vaikutuksista johtuu sen κ-opioidireseptoria antagonisoivasta vaikutuksesta.

    Structure of the human κ-opioid receptor in complex with JDTic (Wu et al., 2012)
    http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/va ... 10939.html
    Opioid receptors mediate the actions of endogenous and exogenous opioids on many physiological processes, including the regulation of pain, respiratory drive, mood, and—in the case of κ-opioid receptor (κ-OR)—dysphoria and psychotomimesis. Here we report the crystal structure of the human κ-OR in complex with the selective antagonist JDTic, arranged in parallel dimers, at 2.9 Å resolution. The structure reveals important features of the ligand-binding pocket that contribute to the high affinity and subtype selectivity of JDTic for the human κ-OR. Modelling of other important κ-OR-selective ligands, including the morphinan-derived antagonists norbinaltorphimine and 5′-guanidinonaltrindole, and the diterpene agonist salvinorin A analogue RB-64, reveals both common and distinct features for binding these diverse chemotypes. Analysis of site-directed mutagenesis and ligand structure–activity relationships confirms the interactions observed in the crystal structure, thereby providing a molecular explanation for κ-OR subtype selectivity, and essential insights for the design of compounds with new pharmacological properties targeting the human κ-OR.
    "Jos ihmismieli on ihmeellisin asia mitä maa päällään kantaa, pyrkimys tutkia narkoottisten ja stimuloivien aineiden psykofysiologisen vaikutuksen syvyyksiä saa tämän ihmeen vaikuttamaan vieläkin suuremmalta."
    — Professori Louis Lewin, 1924
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    Re: Mielenkiintoisia tiedeartikkeleita

    Post by Ununnilium »

    Touchet wrote:
    Neste wrote:
    Vastalöydetty hormoni pitää mielen virkeänä ilman yöunia, kertoo Wired-lehti.
    Artikkeli on vuodelta 2007 :D
    Ja oreksiineja on tutkittu 90-luvun lopulta lähtien...
    Oreksiinijärjestelmä on vallan mielenkiintoinen. Jään odottelemaan käytännön lääkesovellutuksia etenkin oreksiinireseptorien antagonistien suhteen, vaikka niillä tuskin on kovin kummoista väärinkäyttöpotentiaalia.